This issue of the magazine includes:
• Names: Maria Rolnikaitė
The article congratulates Petersburg writer Maria Rolnikaitė on her 85th birthday and reminds readers that her famous book I Must Tell—the restored diary she wrote in Yiddish as a child in the Vilnius ghetto—was the only Jewish Holocaust survivor’s account to be published in the Soviet Union in the 1960s and 1970s.
• Point of View: A French Jew’s Letter to a Russian Jew
This article, written in epistolary form, was inspired by the book series Jews in the Culture of Russia Abroad and Russian Jewry Abroad, which has been published in Israel since 2002. The twenty-five volumes of these series comprise more than 400 scholarly works, essays, and memoirs on the history of Jewish emigration from Russia and the impact of Russian-Jewish immigrants on Israel and other countries. The author, a faculty member at Université de Caen Basse-Normandie, focuses on problems of Jewish identities in France and Russia and concludes that he is unable to find general definitions for these diverse notions. Moreover, general definitions are not needed because it is precisely diversity that assures Jewish continuity.
• Response: Tsene-rene for the First Time in Russian
Tsene-rene, a Yiddish adaptation of the Bible, first published in 17th century, was one of the most popular and influential books amongst Ashkenazic Jewry. The reviewer harshly criticizes its Russian translation, recently issued by the Russian-Israeli publishing house Gesharim.
• Synopses: Anthology of Jewish Fantasy and Science Fiction
The anthology, recently published in translation from English to Russian, inspired this brief poetical essay about the image of Jew as the Other.
• Publishers and Publishing Projects: Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies
The Ukrainian Center for Holocaust Studies was established in Kiev in 2002. A brief overview of the Center’s activities is followed by a complete bibliography of its publications.
• Jewish Calendar of Significant Dates: July–August 2012
• Bibliography: 50 New Books |