The People of the Book in the World of Books is a Russian bimonthly publication for serious readers with Jewish interests. Our English website includes only the summaries of the published articles. To access the complete text of them, please visit the Russian version of this website.


October 2006

This issue of the magazine includes:

Memoirs: On the History of Jewish Press in Russia

This magazine continues to publish fragments from the memoirs of the prominent Jewish historian and journalist Saul Ginsburg (1866–1940). The memoirs were written in Yiddish and published in New York in 1944, under the title Amolike Peterburg (St. Petersburg in the Past). The installment presented here in Russian translation discusses the history of Der fraynd—the first Yiddish daily in Russia.

Review: New Yiddish Novel

The magazine’s reviewer analyzes the novel Shabesdike shvebelekh (Sabbath Matches) by contemporary Yiddish writer Michael Felzenbaum, which was published in Tel Aviv in 2003. The reviewer also evaluates the translation of this novel into Russian, which was issued this year.

Problem: Once Again about the Beilis Case

This article criticizes some aspects of the new book Blood Libel and Russian Thought, by the Moscow historian and literary scholar Leonid Katsis. This book discusses the infamous Beilis Case that took place in 1911, and had an especially important role in the Russian history of such accusations against Jews. The reviewer emphasizes that even now, a century later, “Blood Libel” is a popular topic among modern Russian nationalist ideologists and is used in the propaganda of some Russian politicians. Unfortunately, there are no books available to the general readership in Russia now, which give a clear and convincing answer to such propaganda.

Synopses: Two New Books from Vinnitsa

A brief review presents two collections of archival documents prepared by Vinnitsa-based Center on Research and Publication of Jewish Historical Documents. The first volume includes materials about the activities of various Jewish political parties in the Soviet Union in the 1920s. The second volume describes the repressive policies of the Soviet government against Jewish religious organizations in 1920–1937, and 1945–1953.

Jewish Calendar of Significant Dates: November–December 2006

Bibliography: 45 New Books