The People of the Book in the World of Books is a Russian bimonthly publication for serious readers with Jewish interests. Our English website includes only the summaries of the published articles. To access the complete text of them, please visit the Russian version of this website.


October 2003

This issue of the magazine includes:

• Names: The Yiddish Poet Avrom Sutskever

"Hero of the Jewish people," "Hero of Yiddish culture"—these phrases can be found in sound in many newspapers and magazines of the world dedicated to 90th anniversary of the poet Avrom Sutskever. In this case they are not stock phrases or exaggerations. Prisoner of the Vilno ghetto, Soviet partisan, witness at the Nuremberg Trials, participant in Israel's War of Independence, and the founder and long-term editor of the famous Yiddish literary quarterly Di Goldene Keyt—the biography of Sutskever is indeed extraordinary. His poetry has never been published in Russian translation and is still unknown to Russian-speaking audience. By publishing several poems of Avrom Sutskever translated from Yiddish into Russian as well as other materials about his life and works the editorial board of this magazine expresses the hope that it will start the belated but necessary acquaintance of Russian readers with this most important of contemporary Yiddish poets.

Review: A New Book about Jews in the Russian Army

According to the reviewer the new monograph Jews in the Russian Army, 1827–1914 by Yohanan Petrovsky-Shtern (Moscow, 2003) is a paradox combination of serious academic research with sensational journalism. He strongly criticizes the monograph's author for attempts to revise the social history of East European Jews in 19th century and in particular to deny the urban nature of their lifestyle.

Jewish Calendar of Significant Dates: November–December 2003

Bibliography: 80 New Books