The People of the Book in the World of Books is a Russian bimonthly publication for serious readers with Jewish interests. Our English website includes only the summaries of the published articles. To access the complete text of them, please visit the Russian version of this website.


June 2003

This issue of the magazine includes:

Interview: Alexander Militarev

Alexander Militarev is a world-famous scholar, a linguist-etymologist, Professor in the Department of History and Philology of the Ancient Middle East of the Russian State University of Humanities and Rector of the Jewish University in Moscow. His new book, Incarnated Myth: 'The Jewish Idea' in Civilization (Moscow, 2003), is dedicated to the problems of Jewry in the modern world as well as to thoughts about the uniqueness of Jewish spiritual experience and the importance of this experience, which is shared by all mankind. In his interview Professor Militarev declares that the aim of his book was to provoke a discussion on Jewish issues among Russian and Russian-Jewish intellectuals.

Polemics: The Jewish Myth That is Still Not Incarnated

The author of the article, St. Petersburg philosopher Alexander Lvov, argues with the major thesis of Alexander Militarev's book Incarnated Myth—the thesis about the direct connection between Judaism and modern "humanistic universalism."

Synopses: Janusz Bardach's Memoirs

The brief review presents the memoirs of a Polish Jew who survived in Stalin's labor camps. The book was published in Moscow in 2002 in the book series Eastern Europe. Experience of Totalitarianism.

Jewish Calendar of Significant Dates: July–August 2003

Bibliography: 55 New Books