This issue of the magazine includes:
• Jewish Libraries: Sholem Aleichem '140
140th anniversary of Yiddish classicist, Sholem Aleichem, was marked in many communities throughout the former USSR. The magazine publishes reports from Kiev and Birobidzhan about Jewish Culture Weeks devoted to the anniversary.
• Looking Through Russian Literary Magazines
The reviews of special Jewish issues of three magazines published in Moscow, Kiev, and Tallinn.
• Our Guide: Jewish Internet Resources in Russian
• Response: Republishing as Misrepresentation
Many Jewish newspapers and magazines in the former USSR reprint articles from other publications—often without references to authors and sources of these articles. Sometimes such reprints misrepresent an author's views and opinions. The magazine protests against incorrect use of its materials by the Moscow-based monthly Lekhaim.
• Jewish Publishers and Publishing Projects: Jewish Books from Vitebsk, Byelorussia
A major theme in Jewish books published in Vitebsk is the restoration of the bright Jewish past of the city. Several books published in the past few years have been devoted to the Vitebsk period of Marc Chagall's life. The article is followed by a complete bibliography of these editions.
• Jewish Calendar of Significant Dates: May–June 1999
• Bibliography: 40 New Books |